Concept 2 - Community of Practice

This page shows a higher resolution view of the Community of Practice Concept

This concept is for a peer-to-peer community of practice, which supports a wide variety of people in the environmental conservation sector to connect, share and engage in shared work.

Whilst this is technologically-enabled, essentially this is a socio-cultural intervention which focuses on enabling greater connection, trust and skill building, from which could emerge the collective capacity to tackle any challenge facing the sector over time.


Tackle the challenges of lack of capacity building opportunities in the sector, by creating a peer-to-peer community model. The aim of this is to increase the number of regular interactions and culture of knowledge creation and sharing across the sector.


By improving access to capacity building and new relationships, new possibilities emerge for how the sector can respond to challenges it faces. By addressing this with a cultural approach, the sector can change the design and intent of the system (the most powerful leverage points for systems change).


To make it a sustainable intervention, the community of practice would be free to join, with a fee for certain services such as a fellowship, prototyping coaching and potentially a marketplace fee. This would enable it to be financially feasible for individuals, members from small community groups, as well as enterprise clients.

Learning goals:

  • Investigate what areas of capacity building are highest priorities.

  • Investigate how to enable participatory design and development of a community of practice from within the environmental sector.

  • Explore how to bridge skills and capabilities which don’t exist in the sector, but are needed.

  • Explore social enterprise business models which mirror advancements in the platform cooperative movement, to ensure the community of practice is owned and controlled by the sector.


An example landing page for the concept:

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